Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/14/11 big writing

                                   Hunt For The Golden Apple
                                                    by Trae Weldon

    It was a nice Friday morning when Grim and Johnny found a map with instructions. On the back it said that the map was a map to get to the golden apple that grants internal life. so our story begins here in the eternal forest at the start of the map.

   We decided to stop for a lunch break before we went on. "Hey Grim where is the map", said Johnny. "Its in my bag", said Grim. Grim pulled out the map and looked at how far they were from the golden apple. "we got to go though 3 more places to get there", said Grim. "well what are we and what are the places we have to pass", said Johnny. " We have to go though orc pass, get though the ice palace, and then make it to the golden temple of the Inca people", said Grim. 

   after they eat there lunch they take a long walk to get to the orc pass. when they get there they find themselves in a pit trap set for them. "What happened", said johnny. " Oh I don't know I think we FELL IN A PIT", screamed Grim. " calm down", said Johnny. suddenly a giant hand came down and picked up Grim and Johnny,when they get out of the pit they found out that a orc picked them up. " Thank you for saving us you big hairy orc ", said Grim. "RAAAAAAAAAAWRG!!!" the orc picked them up and then chucked them on the ground but right before he stomped on them Grim and Johnny rolled out of the way and pulled out there iron swords and Hide shields then they were ready to fight. "bring it", said Grim. Then Grim cut the orc's leg and he fell to his knees then he threw a unstable potion at him and he turned to dust.

   After they destroyed that big orc they went along when the weather changed drastically to -45. "why is it so cold", said Johnny. " Because we are at the ice palace", said Grim. They walked into the ice palace to find 3 ice guards at the exit to the bridge that takes them to the golden temple of the Inca people. "None shall pass", said one of the ice guards. "well then i guess we will just have to fight you", said Johnny. suddenly  the ice guards have ice knuckles and then they start chasing Grim and Johnny. Then grim and Johnny start to trow fire bombs and all the ice guards melt. "that was a close one" said Johnny.

   Then grim and Johnny after a long walk make it to the temple to find the golden apple on the top of a shrine and they grab it and take a bite. but then it does something horrible. It makes grim and johnny teleport to another world.

                                      .... To be continued