Monday, January 23, 2012

1/23/12 big writing

 India is a very interesting place that I would love to visit for its culture,food,and the sight seeing. Let me tell you more about India.

The first thing I like about India is the Culture. Like for holidays since India has multiple religions they celebrate multiple holidays. so the four national holidays of India are independence day, Republic day , Gandhi jayanti, and 1 may. India also has protection over cows so they can not be eaten which means they can't eat beef. I remember when I was in a mall with my mom when I was 6 and I saw a woman with a red dot on her head which symbolizes for people in India that they are married. India is pretty interesting.

   The second thing I like about India is its food. There food look's like it would taste bad but when you eat it it taste's like awesome sauce. Like The spicy fish and the tandoori chicken. Then they have really good soups like the kadni. I remember eating at this one Indian restaurant and it was really good. India has great foods.

   The third thing I like about India is the sight seeing. there are The boat race in Kerala and the Bengal tiger.Then there is the cool statues like the lotus temple. Then they actually worship rats at the rat temple. It is really cool.

   India is a very interesting place and now you know why. because of the culture,food,and the sight seeing.


Monday, January 9, 2012

1/9/12 big writing draft 2

     There are many bridge's that are more than ordinary but some are extraordinary like the Banpo bridge in south Korea,Rolling bridge in united kingdom,and the Oliveira bridge in Brazil. Let's learn more about these bridges.

   The first bridge is the Banpo bridge. It has 10,000 nozzles spraying out water beside the bridge on both sides. It also pumps out 190 tons of water each day but it is not wasting water because it goes strait into the lake. Every night every day it turns the water into different colors with lights and the bridge lights up too. This bridge is amazing.

   The second bridge is the Rolling bridge. What the rolling bridge does is exactly what the name says, it rolls up. It rolls up so boats can pass and people can get to the other side. during the day it has a sensor so it knows when to roll up when a boat is coming and when a person hits the button it rolls out so people can pass. It is truly a cool bridge.

   The third bridge is the Oliveira bridge. It is the first ever suspension bridge that crosses into a x shape. This bridge is build over a bridge which is pretty cool and it is a bridgeception. Everyday for everyone passing that bridge under the Oliveira bridge must think looking up is very cool. This is my favorite bridge.

   There are many bridge's that are more than ordinary but some are extraordinary and now you know some of the extraordinary bridges. The Banpo bridge in south Korea,Rolling bridge in united kingdom,and the Oliveira bridge in Brazil.

1/9/12 (FIRST 2012 POST :D) big writing

   There are many bridge's that are more than ordinary but some are extraordinary like the Banpo bridge in south Korea,Rolling bridge in united kingdom,and the oliveira bridge in Brazil. Let's learn more about these bridges.

   The first bridge is the Banpo bridge. It has 10,000 nozzles spraying out water beside the bridge on both sides. It also pumps out 190 tons of water each day but it is not wasting water because it goes strait into the lake. Every night every day it turns the water into different colors with lights and the bridge lights up too. This bridge is amazing.

   The second bridge is the Rolling bridge. What the rolling bridge does is exactly what the name says, it rolls up. It rolls up so boats can pass and people can get to the other side. during the day it has a sensor so it knows when to roll up when a boat is coming and when a person hits the button it rolls out so people can pass. It is truly a cool bridge.

   The third bridge is the oliveira bridge. It is the first ever suspension bridge that crosses into a x shape. this bridge is build over a bridge which is pretty cool and it is a bridgeception. everyday for everyone passing that bridge under the oliveira bridge must think looking up is very cool. This is my favorite bridge.

   There are many bridge's that are more than ordinary but some are extraordinary and now you know some of the extraordinary bridges. The Banpo bridge in south Korea,Rolling bridge in united kingdom,and the oliveira bridge in Brazil.