Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8/31/11 big writing #4 draft 2

                                                      Most Amazing Place in The World

   There are a lot of amazing places but the most amazing is the amazon.It has amazing animals,cool plants,and nasty insects.let me tell you more.

   The first interesting thing about the Amazon is the amazing animals.There is leopards,snakes,and frogs oh my!!!There is a cool frog called the giant leaf frog.It lives in northern Bolivia.It is very helpful because it waxy coating could be used to cure AIDS, cancer,and other sickness. Reminds me of a lizard that cured this one disease.

   The second thing that makes the amazon interesting is the cool plants.There is many cool plants in the amazon but my favorite is the monkey cup picture plant.It eats baby monkeys and small birds!!!Birds also poop into it and it uses it as fertilizer.What a cool and disgusting plant.

   The third thing that makes the amazon interesting is the nasty insects.The insects in the amazon are nasty.There is a fly in the amazon that puts its eggs on a mosquito and when it bites you the eggs go into you.Then when they hatch they live inside your body and eats on you.That is very disgusting it reminds me of a tape worm.

   There are allot of interesting places but the most amazing is the amazon and now you know why.It is because of the amazing animals,cool plants,and nasty insects.

8/31/11 big writing #4

                                                         Most Amazing Place in The World

   There are allot of amazing places but the most amazing is the amazon.It has amazing animals,cool plants,and nasty insects.let me tell you more.

   The first interesting thing about the Amazon is the amazing animals.There is leopards,snakes,and Frogs oh my!!!There is a cool frog called the giant leaf frog.It lives in northern Bolivia.It is very helpful because it waxy coating could be used to cure AIDS, cancer,and other sickness. Reminds me of a lizard that cured this one disease.

   The second thing that makes the amazon interesting is the cool plants.There is many cool plants in the amazon but my favorite is the monkey cup picture plant.It eats baby monkeys and small birds!!!Birds also poop into it and it uses it as fertilizer.What a cool and disgusting plant.

   The third thing that makes the amazon interesting is the nasty insects.The insects in the amazon are nasty.There is a fly in the amazon that puts its eggs on a mosquito and when it bites you the eggs go into you.Then when they hatch they live inside your body and eats on you.That is very disgusting it reminds me of a tape worm.

   There are allot of interesting places but the most amazing is the amazon and now you know why. Because of the amazing animals,cool plants,and nasty insects.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

8/24/11 Big Writing#3 Draft Two

Where do they live?
Carnivorous plants live in swamps in Florida.

Will they bite you?
   No they will not.they might clamp down on your hand but it will not hurt unless you leave you finger in there for a week.

Do they live anywhere else but Florida?
   No but the there is one in Africa.

How do they catch their prey?
   They wait for a bug to land on their mouths and when it hits two trigger hairs it clamps down on it and it digests it.

How many types of carnivorous plants are there?
There are about five or six types.

Are they poisonous?
  No carnivorous plants are not poisonous.

What do they eat?
   They eat insects like flys and hornets but one will eat baby monkeys.

Why do they die in the winter?
  They are not dead they hibernate so do not throw them away.

8/24/11 big writing

Where do they live
   in swamps on Florida.

will they bite you
   no they will not.they might clamp down on your hand but it will not hurt unless you leave you finger in there for a week.

do they live anywhere else but Florida
   no but the there is one in Africa.

How do they catch there prey
   they wait for a bug to land on there moths and when it hits two trigger hairs it clamps down on it and it digests it.

how many types of carnivorous plants are there
   About five or six types.

Are they poisonous
  No they are not.

What do they eat
   They eat insects like flys and hornets but one will eat baby monkeys.

Why do they die in the winter
  They are not dead they hibernate so do not throw them away.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

8/18/11 big writing #2 draft 2

    Next week I am going to build a rocket. I built in KSP and I am going to build a replica and see if it works.The reason I am doing this is to build a rocket,have fun building it with my friends,and to watch it on a video camera.let me tell you more.

   The first thing about this project is that we get to build a rocket.It is always cool to build a rocket and shoot it into the sky and watch it fall.Then you get to build it and plus we get to put a jet engine in it.Which will be awesome to see.

   The second thing about the project is that I will build it with my friends which will be fun.While we build it we can talk about minecraft and stuff and have fun while we build.We will also be able to work better because we do allot together.We will be so happy.

   the third thing about making this project is to watch a video camera.What I a going to do is put a small video camera in the space ship and when it lands  we take it out and look at the recordings.We just need to find the rocket and take the recordings.I want to see the recordings soo bad.

   Next week I am going to build a rocket and now you know why.Its because you get to build a rocket,do it with friends, and see the video recordings.

8/18/11 big writing #2

Next week I am going to build a rocket.I built in KSP and I am going to build a replica and see if it works.The reason I am doing this is to build a rocket,have fun building it with my friends,and to watch it on a video camera.let me tell you more.

The first thing about this project is that we get to build a rocket.It is always cool to build a rocket and shoot it into the sky and watch it fall.Then you get to build it and plus we get to put a jet enguine in it.Which will be awesome to see.

The second thing about the project is that I will build it with my friends which will be fun.While we build it we can talk about minecraft and stuff and have fun while we build.We will also be able to work better because we do allot together.We will be soooooooooo happy.

The third thing about making this project is to watch a video camera.what I a going to do is put a small video camera in the space ship and when it lands  we take it out and look at the recordings.We just need to find the rocket and take the recordings.I want to see the recordings soo bad.

next week I am going to build a rocket and now you know why. because you get to build a rocket,do it with friends, and see the video recordings.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

8/10/2011 Big Writing #1

think of a animal that you think would be a great pet for TESLA.explain why the pet that you choose would be a great pet for our school.

If we could have a class pet it would be the Iguana.Because it is colorful, unusual,and can climb anything.Let me tell you more.

The First reason the iguana should be our school pet is because it is very colorful.It can change from black and white to orange and purple.It can also blend in with its surroundings and if humans could do that too it would take hours to play hide and seek.I love watching iguanas change colors in there cages.

The Second reason I think iguanas should be our school pet is because they are really unusual just like the school.They can look in two directions at one time and there body is very unusual.They can also shoot there tongue out so fast to get a bug it takes slowmo technology to see there tongue catch a bug.They spell unusual in every way.

The Third reson why a Iguana should be our class pet is because they can climb eneything.They can clime glass with these little hooks on there hands that grab on and don't let go.We know this because scientist look at there hands with microscopes and look at the little hooks on there hands.I would like to climb anything like a iguana.

If we could have a school pet I would choose the iguana and now you know why, because they are colorful,unusual,and can climb anything.