Wednesday, August 24, 2011

8/24/11 Big Writing#3 Draft Two

Where do they live?
Carnivorous plants live in swamps in Florida.

Will they bite you?
   No they will not.they might clamp down on your hand but it will not hurt unless you leave you finger in there for a week.

Do they live anywhere else but Florida?
   No but the there is one in Africa.

How do they catch their prey?
   They wait for a bug to land on their mouths and when it hits two trigger hairs it clamps down on it and it digests it.

How many types of carnivorous plants are there?
There are about five or six types.

Are they poisonous?
  No carnivorous plants are not poisonous.

What do they eat?
   They eat insects like flys and hornets but one will eat baby monkeys.

Why do they die in the winter?
  They are not dead they hibernate so do not throw them away.

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