Thursday, August 18, 2011

8/18/11 big writing #2

Next week I am going to build a rocket.I built in KSP and I am going to build a replica and see if it works.The reason I am doing this is to build a rocket,have fun building it with my friends,and to watch it on a video camera.let me tell you more.

The first thing about this project is that we get to build a rocket.It is always cool to build a rocket and shoot it into the sky and watch it fall.Then you get to build it and plus we get to put a jet enguine in it.Which will be awesome to see.

The second thing about the project is that I will build it with my friends which will be fun.While we build it we can talk about minecraft and stuff and have fun while we build.We will also be able to work better because we do allot together.We will be soooooooooo happy.

The third thing about making this project is to watch a video camera.what I a going to do is put a small video camera in the space ship and when it lands  we take it out and look at the recordings.We just need to find the rocket and take the recordings.I want to see the recordings soo bad.

next week I am going to build a rocket and now you know why. because you get to build a rocket,do it with friends, and see the video recordings.

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