Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Big writing axolotl draft 2

Have you ever seen a axolotl. You know that weird fish looking thing that lives in one lake. Today I am going to tell you all about them like how they regrow limbs,they live in one lake,and they are a salamander that took a step back in evolution. I bet you can't wait to learn more.

The first really cool axolotl fact is that they regrow limbs! I bet they sound like zombies but it's just normal for them.here let me give you the steps that axolotls use to regrow limbs.

1. "Quantities of enzymes involved in metabolism decreased significantly during the regeneration process".

2. "There were many proteins that helped cells avoid cell death. Because amputation is very traumatic, this is critical".

3. "A protein which appears to keep cells from dividing until they are fully dedifferentiated and reprogrammed to begin forming a new limb was expressed at high levels throughout blastema formation".

See now does that look hard. Well it is. I remember watching some lets plays on YouTube and finding a video called axolotl regrowing limb fast cam and it was so cool. I got to watch a axolotl grow it's limb back at super fast speed. I got to watch something that would of taken a month to do in 1 minute. I love axolotls allotl.

The second really cool axolotl fact is that they live in one lake called lake Xochimilco. Cool huh but it's really bad in a way because if that lake becomes too polluted or if a fish that eats axolotl is in the lake then all the axolotl will die out and there will be no wild axolotl. But that is kind of happening now because people are populating the area around there lake and there dumping pollution and fish in the lake. I remember when I first learned about axolotls and I was so excited but then I found out that they were close to being gone and then I was sad. I love axolotls but I hate that they live in one lake.

The third reason why I love axolotls is because they took a step back in evolution. See they were salamanders but there was more food in the lake so they took a step back in evolution. They were meant to be a tiger salamander like salamander but they found more food in the lake so they stayed there. I remember when Hanna did a presentation on axolotls and I learned allot. Axolotls are the coolest animals ever.

Well all good writing have to come to a end and here is the finish line. I hope to tell you more later about other animals. Just as a refresher we learned about how they regrow limbs,live in one lake,and they took a step back in evolution. Here's me signing off bye!

Sources: Wikipedia.com,sciencedaily.com

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