Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why American government is so inportaint

Have you ever wondered why there is American government that controls the country? Well there is many reasons but I will just tell you three. The world would go into destruction, there would be no one to handle our problems and money, and who would talk to other country's. Let me tell you more about these reasons.

There is a huge reason for the government and that is to keep everything in order. So let's say there's a guy named bill and another guy named David. So bill is writing a paper that David hates. So david comes in and throws his computer on the floor and then stomps on it and leaves but before he leaves he tells bill that if he makes another writing that he does not like he will do the same thing he did to his computer to him. In that process he has just made his own government that makes him write papers David likes. But since we have a government with rules David could not do that to bill. I remember going to bay and a guy said that if I don't give him my football he will be mean to me and then I realized he was trying to make his own government and take over the play ground so all I had to say was that this is a free country and I don't have to give him my football. After that he left me alone. That is why we have a government to keep everything in order.

There is need for the government to handle our problems and money. See if we had a under educated guy handling our money and problems then we would be in deep trouble but since we have a well educated guy that gets elected by the people voting then that's good. All country's need a guy to choose what we invest in and what to do when a big problem comes up. It's like in every school there is the principle that gets to choose what they do and if they put money into a field trip or not. I remember playing the sims and I had to be careful with my people and make sure to use my money right and to fix problems.There will always be a person to handle our money and problems.

There is a need for a man or woman in every country to be able to talk to other country's and that is why the government has a president to talk to other country's. I mean if a average joe walked up to speak for America that would not be good but when the president of the united states walks up then we got some serious stuff. A president is like a chef of a tribe and the chef is the boss. I remember a minecraft server that had factions and I was the chef of mine and I had to make a agreement with the other faction's chef.Presidents are very helpful.

Government is extremely helpful in many situations like I talked about. I hope you agree with me about why the government is so important.

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