Monday, May 14, 2012

wolf big writing draft 1

Some people say that wolves should be reintroduced into the wild but I say that there are ups and downs to this plan. I don't hate the idea of reintroducing wolves in fact I want them back but there is always minuses to things and I have 3 very good minuses I found and they are that they would not do well with other people, they will get poached, and they will eat garbage and other things and get hurt or die. let me tell you more.

   Wolves and people don't mix all the time. sometimes a human will mess with a wolf and the wolf will hurt the human or the human will hurt the wolf. Then there is the chance of the wolf getting rabies and going into public place's and hurting people. although the chance of a wolf hurting a human is low but the chance of a human hurting a wolf is fairly high. I think wolves are great but humans are a threat to them.

   Wolves fur is used in allot of clothing and if it is illegal to hunt wolves but the pay is high for wolf fur than people are going to poach. That will just kill allot of wolves and making them endangered again. That is a horribly bad thing and no one wants that to happen. I love wolves but I don't want to see them in pain.

   Wolves are very smart animals but there is lots of garbage and they might mistake garbage for food. there are thousands of animals that die a day because of them eating garbage and who's to say wolves will not eat garbage. Then many wolves will suffer because of this and the population will drop. I think wolves are amazing but I would hate to see them suffer.

   Some people say that wolves should be reintroduced into the wild but I say that there are ups and downs to this plan and now you know why. because thet would not do well with other people, they will get poached, and they will eat garbage and other things and get hurt or die.

Friday, May 11, 2012

wolf writing

   Wolfs are one of the strongest hunters I know. they look into a heard of animals, pick out the weakest one, and then get it out of the heard and attack its weak spot. Then they just keep on repeating that successful process until they die.

   The are allot different than other animals because when they mate they stay together forever until they die. the female wolves usually give birth once a year. they have 5 to 6 cubs at birth and they are blind and deaf for 7 weeks.

   What wolves eat is pretty much anything that has a pulse. they eat deer,bunnies,moose, and carabo. if you can think it they eat it.

Monday, May 7, 2012

5/8/12 draft 2

  Have you ever had a week free to do anything you wanted? I had one just last week and did 3 super cool things. I went to the beach, ate at my favorite ice cream place, and I got to eat at boar's head. Here let me tell you some more about what I did last week.

   I love to go to the beach and play in the water and the sand. I like to go out at night and see all the sand crabs and then catch them. Then I also like to see the sunset in the morning at the beach. I remember going to the beach and finding these streams around on the beach and playing in them. I love the beach.

   I love this one ice cream place by Tomas doughnuts because it is all home made and They have 15 different ways they prepare frozen banana and 4 different dips for ice cream! There ice cream taste amazing and when you get a chocolate dip with it it taste even better. Then there waffle cones are amazing on top of it all. I remember ordering a banana split and it was amazing with the rich caramel and the juicy strawberry. It is the best ice cream place.

   One of my favorite place's to eat is boar's head. It has amazing food and great service. My favorite food would have to be the baby back ribs with french fries and a coke. Then there is also the other dishes I like allot like s-cargo and the fried lobster and alligator. I remember when me,my dad,my sister,my dad's friend,and my dad's friend's kid went to boar's head and we all had a great time. I like this place allot.

   Have you ever had a week free to do anything you wanted? Well I have and now you know what I did on my week off. I went to the beach, ate at my favorite ice cream place, and I got to eat at boar's head.

5/8/12 big writing draft 1

   have you ever had a week free to do anything you wanted? I had one just last week and did 3 super cool things. I went to the beach, ate at my favorite ice cream place, and I got to eat at boar's head. Here let me tell you some more about what I did last week.

   I love to go to the beach and play in the water and the sand. I like to go out at night and see all the sand crabs and then catch them. Then I also like to see the sunset in the morning at the beach. I remember going to the beach and finding these streams around on the beach and playing in them. I love the beach.

   I love this one ice cream place by Tomas doughnuts because it is all home made and They have 15 different ways they prepare frozen banana and 4 different dips for ice cream! There ice cream taste amazing and when you get a chocolate dip with it it taste even better. then there waffle cones are amazing on top of it all. I remember ordering a banana split and it was amazing with the rich caramel and the juicy strawberry. It is the best ice cream place.

   One of my favorite place's to eat is boar's head. It has amazing food and great service. My favorite food would have to be the baby back ribs with french fries and a coke. Then there is also the other dishes I like allot like s cargo and the fried lobster and alligator. I remember when me,my dad,my sister,my dad's friend,and my dad's friend's kid went to boar's head and we all had a great time. I like this place allot.

   Have you ever had a week free to do anything you wanted? Well I have and now you know what I did on my week off. I went to the beach, ate at my favorite ice cream place, and I got to eat at boar's head.