Tuesday, February 26, 2013

If I could be anyone in the world who would you be and why.

   Everyone has someone they would like to be, some people want to be Emma Watson, and some people want to be Bill Gates. I would like to be Morgan Freeman, I think it would be cool to be Morgan Freeman because he has the best narrating voice ever, he has lots of cash, and also because he gets to be in a lot of cool movies. Here, let me tell you more.

  The first reason why I would like to be Morgan Freeman is because he has the best narrating voice ever. He could really narrate anything he wanted to, he has a golden narrating voice that makes everything sound amazing and inspiring, he could narrate eating corn flakes and it would sound amazing and deep. He really has the best voice ever.

The second reason why I would like to be Morgan Freeman is because he has tons of cash, He could buy anything he wanted. He could buy a gold plated Lamborghini if he wanted, I would use  some of his money to donate to some charities, then I would buy my self a big house and have a nice car and everything. Morgan Freeman has lots of cash.

The final reason I would like to be Morgan Freeman is because he gets in lots of cool movies. He gets in all the good movie's like batman and the bucket list, If you want a good narrator you hire Morgan Freeman to narrate. He is one of the best actors in my opinion.

   Everyone has someone they want to be, and now you know who I want to be. I want to be Morgan Freeman because he has the best narrating voice ever, he has lots of cash, and also because he gets to be in a lot of cool movies.

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