Monday, April 9, 2012

Washington big writing draft 2

   Have you ever wanted to go to Washington DC? I know I really want to go to dc because I get to see the white house, I could see the president, and because it's a beautiful place. I bet you want to learn more about why I want to go to dc.

   You know why everyone knows where Washington DC is and what it's purpose is, it's because of the white house! The white house is where the president and his family lives and where they make very important decisions and speeches. If you have ever seen a picture of the outside you would see that it is a very beautiful and big place. It has a rose garden and a huge field to play in. I remember doing a project on the white house and I learned so much about the white house that it made me want to go even more. I would love to see the white house.

   Have you ever wanted to see the president? Well I think it would be cool to see the president and going to DC would be the hot spot to see him because well he lives there. I mean who doesn't want to see the man who runs the country and makes everything go how it does. Plus not that many people get to see the president and it would be a honor. I remember the time my grandmas friend went to DC and she got to see our president get in a helicopter and fly away. It would be cool to see the president.

   Have you ever seen pictures of around the white house and DC you would know its a beautiful place. There's a rose garden and a big nice flat area with trees placed in the best places plus there is the beautiful white house right smack in the middle. Then there is the buildings around it that makes DC look beautiful. Like that huge tower around the white house looks great. I remember seeing pictures of DC and thinking that this place looks beautiful. I love how DC looks.

   I would love to go to DC and now you know why. because if the white house,I could meet the president, and because of how beautiful dc is.

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