Wednesday, December 14, 2011

12/14/11 big writing

                                   Hunt For The Golden Apple
                                                    by Trae Weldon

    It was a nice Friday morning when Grim and Johnny found a map with instructions. On the back it said that the map was a map to get to the golden apple that grants internal life. so our story begins here in the eternal forest at the start of the map.

   We decided to stop for a lunch break before we went on. "Hey Grim where is the map", said Johnny. "Its in my bag", said Grim. Grim pulled out the map and looked at how far they were from the golden apple. "we got to go though 3 more places to get there", said Grim. "well what are we and what are the places we have to pass", said Johnny. " We have to go though orc pass, get though the ice palace, and then make it to the golden temple of the Inca people", said Grim. 

   after they eat there lunch they take a long walk to get to the orc pass. when they get there they find themselves in a pit trap set for them. "What happened", said johnny. " Oh I don't know I think we FELL IN A PIT", screamed Grim. " calm down", said Johnny. suddenly a giant hand came down and picked up Grim and Johnny,when they get out of the pit they found out that a orc picked them up. " Thank you for saving us you big hairy orc ", said Grim. "RAAAAAAAAAAWRG!!!" the orc picked them up and then chucked them on the ground but right before he stomped on them Grim and Johnny rolled out of the way and pulled out there iron swords and Hide shields then they were ready to fight. "bring it", said Grim. Then Grim cut the orc's leg and he fell to his knees then he threw a unstable potion at him and he turned to dust.

   After they destroyed that big orc they went along when the weather changed drastically to -45. "why is it so cold", said Johnny. " Because we are at the ice palace", said Grim. They walked into the ice palace to find 3 ice guards at the exit to the bridge that takes them to the golden temple of the Inca people. "None shall pass", said one of the ice guards. "well then i guess we will just have to fight you", said Johnny. suddenly  the ice guards have ice knuckles and then they start chasing Grim and Johnny. Then grim and Johnny start to trow fire bombs and all the ice guards melt. "that was a close one" said Johnny.

   Then grim and Johnny after a long walk make it to the temple to find the golden apple on the top of a shrine and they grab it and take a bite. but then it does something horrible. It makes grim and johnny teleport to another world.

                                      .... To be continued

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

11/30/11 big writing draft 2

    Many people think cold weather is bad and many people think it is good. I think it is very good because of the nice weather,Christmas,and the snow. Let me tell you more.

   One reason why I like cold weather is because of the very nice weather. I love to go outside and not have to expect that my shoes are melting into the pavement. I like it when it is nice and cold but not too cold that water freezes out there. The cold weather makes it easier to run and hike. One day I went outside into the cold outside and the dew on the grass froze into ice. Cold weather is great.

   The second reason why I like cold weather is because of Christmas. I love it when you wake up and there are thousands of toys for you! Then you get to tear into them and you get a bunch of good stuff :P. Then after you play with it for a hour you get to eat waffles and milk and then go to bed. One year I got a computer for Christmas and I was so excited. I love Christmas.

   The last reason why I like cold weather is because of the snow. I have never seen snow but this Christmas I am going to see snow and have a big snow ball fight with a giant snow fort. Then I am going to own everyone !!! One time we almost went to go see snow and did not and I was so angry that day. I would love to see snow.

    Many people think cold weather is bad and many people think it is good but I think it is good and now you know why. Because of nice weather,Christmas,and the snow.

11/30/11 big writing drapt one

   Many people think cold weather is bad and many people think it is good. I think it is very good because of the nice weather,Christmas,and the snow. Let me tell you more.

   One reason why I like cold weather is because of the very nice weather. I love to go outside and not have to expect that my shoes are melting into the pavement. I like it when it is nice and cold but not too cold that water freezes out there. The cold weather makes it easier to run and hike. One day I went outside into the cold outside and the dew on the grass froze into ice. cold weather is great.

   The second reason why i like cold weather is because of Christmas. I love it when you wake up and there are thousands of toys for you! Then you get to tear into them and you get a bunch of good stuff :P. The after you play with it for a hour you get to eat waffles and milk and then go to bed. One year I got for Christmas an d got a new computer and almost died. I love Christmas.

   The last reason why I like cold weather is because of the snow. I have never seen snow but this Christmas I am going to see snow and have a big snow ball fight with a giant snow fort. Then i am going to own everyone !!! One time we almost went to go see snow and did not and I was so angry that day. I would love to see snow.

    Many people think cold weather is bad and many people think it is good but I think it is good and now you know why. Because of nice weather,Christmas,and the snow.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

11/16/11 big writing

   Thanksgiving is great. Its great because I get to go with my dad to Birmingham and see all the sights, eat lots of food like turkey and ham, and meeting my cousins so we can do stuff together and go to fun places. Let me tell you more.

   The first thing I am looking forward to is the trip to Birmingham. I get to go with my dad and see all the sights like the big peach and all the iron around Birmingham. then when I get to our grandmas house and I am pooped I get to play with my cousins and partaaay!!! Like one time I found there basket ball and then we decided to play horse and I made a long shot and beat everyone. I love the trip to Birmingham.

   The second thing I am looking forward to is eating allot of food. When we eat we break out a really big turkey and mashed potatoes with butter and some veggies. Then for dessert we eat ice cream with fudge and brownies. After all that then we go outside and play tag and hide and seek. One time when we ate so much we started playing base ball and them my cousin Carson threw up all over my cousin Conner. What can't food do.

   The Third thing I am looking forward to is to meet my cousins. They are great at video games and they love to play base ball like me. When I come over we usually play outside and after a hour or two we go inside and eat a cosmic brownie and play video games for a while and then I try to teach them to skate (they usually epic fail when they try to get on). Like one time I was able to get Carson on the skate board but he then rode into the street and could not stop so he rammed into a bush and hurt himself. My cousins are awesome.

   Thanksgiving is great and now you know why. Because I get to go with my dad to Birmingham and see all the sights, eat lots of food like turkey and ham, and meeting my cousins so we can do stuff together and go to fun places.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

11/9/11 big writing draft two

 I am thankful for many things but three things I am thankful for would have to be my hamsters for being sweet and insane, TESLA for showing me project based learning and for all the new friends, and my Mom for always being there and helping me.

   The first thing I am very thankful for is my hamster. It always is so fluffy and sweet and sometimes sleeps in my hand and then its insane because when I try to pick it up it runs all around in its cage. One day when I got back from a fishing tournament my mother and sister lost my hamster in the house and we tried to find it all day and the next day I found it in the hedge hog cage. My Hamster is insane.

    The second thing I am thankful for is T.E.S.L.A.. T.E.S.L.A. showed me project based learning which is way better than staring at a board and sleeping and drooling and for all the new friends I met like Nate. Like yesterday I presented and got over my fear of presenting. I love T.E.S.L.A..

   The third thing I am thankful for is my Mom. She is always there for me when things get bad and then she always helps me with homework and my yesterday When we moved my mom helped me with setting up my bed. Moms are great.

  I an thankful for many things and know you know what I am thankful for and why. I am thankful because of my hamsters for being sweet and insane, TESLA for showing me project based learning and for all the new friends, and my Mom for always being there and helping me.

11/9/11 big writing draft one

    I am thankful for many things but three things I am thankful for would have to be my hamsters for being sweet and insane, TESLA for showing me project based learning and for all the new friends, and my Mom for always being there and helping me.

   The first thing I am very thankful for is my hamster. It always is so fluffy and sweet and sometimes sleeps in my hand and then its insane because when I try to pick it up it runs all around in its cage. One day when I got
back from a fishing tournament my mother and sister lost my hamster in the house and we tried to find it all day and the next day i found it in the hedge hog cage. my Hamster is insane.

    The second thing i am thankful for is T.E.S.L.A.. T.E.S.L.A. showed me project based learning which is way better than staring at a board and sleeping and drooling and for all the new friends I met like Nate. Like yesterday I presented and got over my fear of presenting. I love T.E.S.L.A..

   The third thing I am thankful for is my Mom. She is always there for me when things get bad and then she always helps me with homework and my yesterday When we moved my mom helped me with setting up my bed. Moms are great.

  I an thankful for many things and know you know what I am thankful for and why. because of my hamsters for being sweet and insane, TESLA for showing me project based learning and for all the new friends, and my Mom for always being there and helping me.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10/26/11 big writing

   In our world today there are many endangered animals are becoming extinct because of illegal hunting,pollution,and other animals from other country invading. this should not be happening because endangered animals keep the natural order,the food chain in order,and because of the loss of these interesting animals going extinct.

   The first reason why we should save endangered animals is because they keep the natural order. Like if alligators went extinct then this bird that protects there eggs for protection from the alligator will then die out because all the animals would eat that bird and then the plants seeds would over populate from nothing eating it. Then a plant would get a virus and kill all the plants. That is why you want an animal to not go extinct.

   The second reason why we should save endangered animals is because they help the food chain.  If an animal eats deer and that animal dies then the deer will over populate. Then a deer will get a virus and all the other deer will get the virus and die. Which is really bad.

   The third reason why we should save endangered animals is because of the devastation. Like if pandas go extinct then billions of people will be devastated and will make everyone sad. However, it will help in a way because then people will be more careful and will start helping the animals.

     In our world today there are many endangered animals and now you know why. because of the natual order,food chain,and because of the loss of these great creatures. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

our play

 Hawaii Christmas disaster

Plot: A family of 4 goes to Hawaii to celebrate Christmas and it turns out they do not celebrate Christmas. So then they have to celebrate it there own way without any Christmas decorations.

characters: Mom-Dad-Young boy-older boy-Hawaii hotel manager

Dad: Well we are here in Hawaii kids.

young boy: well I want to come to the beach now!!!!

Mom: We will go to the beach later after we find our room and settle in.

older boy:Yeah we need to go get Christmas decorations for the hotel room from the front desk.

(Family goes into hotel together)

Dad:Hello do you guys have Christmas decorations.

hotel manager: sorry but we do not carry Christmas decorations because we do not celebrate Christmas.

Mom:well hey kids it is good that hawaii dosen’t celebrate

older boy:what the fussy whats who does not celebrate cristmas!!!

hotel manager: here is your room key you are 3-D.

(family goes to there room)

Dad:How are we going to celebrate Christmas now.

Older boy:what if we make Christmas trees and stuff out of trash and other things

(everyone thinks about it and then it says 1 day later)

Dad: well we made our Christmas tree out of metal poles and tin cans.

Older brother: I made Christmas ornaments out of rotten foods and string.

Mom:we are going to dinner now.

younger boy: yay yay dinner.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

big writing 10/5/11 draft 2


   My name is Trae Weldon and I am 11 years old. I go to Technology Engineering Science Leadership Academy (TESLA) located at Sana Rosa Beach Florida.

   Right now I am doing a project and my essential question is, "what is the ultimate living thing?" I chose humans (Homo sapiens).

  As part of our project we have experts check our work. I need some help with my project and I was wondering if you would help me by looking at my work and giving your opinion on it. Here is the link

Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to read my letter and looking at my project.

Trae Weldon

big writing 10/5/11 draft 1


   My name is Trae Weldon and I am 11 years old and I go to TESLA. Right now I am doing a project on the ultimate living thing and I chose humans. I need some help with my project and I was wondering if you would help me by looking at my work and giving your opinion on it. Here is the link Thank you for taking time out of your schedule to read my letter and looking at my project.

Trae Weldon

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

9/21/11 Big Writing Draft 2

    There are many extreme animals but the most extreme would have to be the human. The human has many great traits like our extremely smart brains,we are able to talk, and we are very strong. Let me explain more to you.

   The first reason why humans are the most extreme animal is because of our extremely smart brains. We are able to process many more thoughts and do more stuff than any other wild animals just because of this DNA strand in our noodle. This DNA strand allows us to do harder problems and to talk. I learned about this on history channel one day when I was 7. Without this change in our brain we would be acting just like raccoons scavenging for food and pooping where ever we want to.

   The second reason why humans are the most extreme animals is because we are able to talk. Without talking we would never be able to spread knowledge to each other and we would never survive. In the caveman times there was two types of humans. One was smarter and stronger but was not able to talk and the other type was weaker and dumber but could make some sounds. With that one change in their throat they were able to survive. Our teacher Mr. Randy told me about that.

   The third reason that humans are the most extreme animal is because we are very strong. mountain lions and bears might get stronger little by little but humans are able to get very strong in a month. It is because of our determination and hard work and animals just sit there and hunt every once in a while. That shows that humans are stronger than most animals.

   There are many extreme animals but the most extreme would have to be the human and now you know why.  That is because of our smart brains,we are able to talk,and we are very strong.

9/21/11 big writing


There are many extreme animals but the most extreme would have to be the human. The human has many great traits like our extremely smart brains,we are able to talk,and we are very strong. Let me explain more to you.

The first reason why humans are the most extreme animal is because of our extremely smart brains. We are able to process many more thoughts and do more stuff than any other wild animals just because of this DNA strand in our noodle. This DNA strand allows us to do harder problems and to talk. I learned about this on history channel one day when I was 7. so without this change in our brain we would be acting just like raccoon's scavenging for food and pooping where ever we want to.

The second reason why humans are the most extreme animals is because we are able to talk. Without talking we would never be able to spread knowledge to each other and we would never survive.In the caveman times there was two types of humans. One was smarter and stronger but was not able to talk and the other type was weaker and dumber but could make some sounds. So with that one change in there throat they were able to survive. Our teacher Mr. Randy told me about that.

The third reason that humans are the most extreme animal is because we are very strong. Mountain lions and Bears Might get stronger little by little but humans are able to get very strong in a month.It is because of our determination and hard work and animals just sit there and hunt every once in a that shows that humans are stronger.

There are many extreme animals but the most extreme would have to be the human and now you know why. Because of their smart brains,we are able to talk,and we are very strong.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A essential question is the main topic of the project or what you are testing for.A example is like will a balloon float if hot air is put into it or will a potato give off electricity.

9/14/11 big writing #6 draft 2

   There are many good inventions but the best would have to be the alienware.Without the alienware the gamer's of the world would have to deal with lag,computer crashes,and too many bills to count. That is why the alienware is the best invention.

   Without the alienware there would be so much lag. Nobody would like to play video games because of lag and then Sony and pop cap would go bankrupt. Also the alienware has an ultimate video card and the best hard drive around. Your games will never lag with this hard drive and video card.

  Without the alienware we would have to deal with computer crashes. It has so much memory that it will never go into overdrive and crash. Also, instead of it never updating when you buy it, updates its' self. It just gets newer and newer so it will never become old.

   Without the alienware we would be paying allot of bill. With alienware it hardly ever breaks. The only way to break it is to hit it with a club or something so you can save up on that money for new games. Then you can have more fun with friends.

There are many good inventions but the best would have to be the alienware and now you know why. because you do not have to deal with lag,computer crashes,and too many bills to count.

9/14/11 big writing #6 draft 1

   There are many good inventions but the best would have to be the alienware.Without the alienware the gamer's of the world would have to deal with lag,computer crashes,and too many bills to count.That is why the alienware is the best invention.

   Without the alienware there would be so much lag.Nobody would like to play video games because of lag and then Sony and pop cap would go bankrupt.But the alienware has a ultimate video card and the best hard drive around.Your games will never lag with this hard drive and video card.

  without the alienware we would have to deal with computer crashes but it has so much memory that it will never go into overdrive and crash.Then instead of it never updating when you buy it updates it's self and it just gets newer and it will never become old.

   Without the alienware we would be paying allot of bills but with alienware it hardly ever breaks.The only way to break it is to hit it with a club or you can save up on that money for new games.So you can have more fun with friends.

There are many good inventions but the best would have to be the alienware and now you know why.because you do not have to deal with lag,computer crashes,and too many bills to count.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


a project I want to do is a jet powered rocket and the essential question is will a homemade jet engine rocket work.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

9/7/11 big writing #5 draft 1

                                                 Poking The Sky Part 1

   On the date 9/12/2025 3 people who are Kenny the robot dog,Goo the big blue slime,and Krab the crab cake.They set on the magical adventure to find the three keys to Macintoshia.There story begins here.

   "Hey guys do we have everything?" said Goo."Yep we have the three maps,swords,and 9 UP cola"said Kenny."Guys get in the car" said Krab.After everyone got in the 7-11 space rocket car they flew off to the first key."What is the first key anyway Krab?" said Goo."It is the magic banana" said Krab."This banana has the power to shoot darts from it" said Krab."That is one funky banana" said Kenny.

   "We're here" said Krab."WHAT!" said Kenny."WE'RE HERE!!!" said Krab.Krab slammed on the breaks and everybody hit the windshield flat as a pancake."Welcome to monkey corp" said Krab.As there were sneaking they heard people training with darts and boomerangs.Some of them had glue guns and some were shooting lasers."look at that symbol" said Kenny.It showed a money in a ridiculous blue and red tights with a red balloon under it's foot and a dart in one hand and a pineapple in the other."What a weird symbol" said Goo.
While they were walking they trip on a wire and alarms start going off."RUN!!!" said Krab.Suddenly darts start flying out the walls and they hear big foot steps.They start running as fast as they can."I can see something glowing" said Goo.Far away they can barely see a shape of a banana."I can see the banana"said Kenny.Suddenly they hear  loud screeches and lasers.When they turned around they see three monkeys that look like the monkey on the symbol."SUPER MONKEY STRIKE!!!" said one of the monkeys."OH %$#^!!!" said Goo. They look forward and see the golden banana.When they jump to grab it something grabs there ankles and pulls them back.Then everything went black.

   They all wake up to be slapped by a banana.When everything was clear they could see a money in a general suit with the three super monkeys."My name is Sgt. Banana"said Sgt. Banana.Then he slapped them all with a banana."We put your vehicle in the corner of confessing" said Sgt. Banana.When they looked where he was pointing they saw their car crying."I ate Goo's cookie and destroyed Krab's O pod!" said 7-11 space rocket car."SO YOU ATE MY COOKIE!!!"said Goo.Then Kenny slapped him."OOOWWW!"said Goo."THAT'S IT!!!" said Goo.Then he started rumbling and turned into a giant blue dinosaur.Goo destroyed all the monkeys,grabed the golden banana,And then he switched back to slime form and got in the car and bolted."WE GOT THE BANANA" said Kenny."Whats next"said Goo."We must now get the antlers of Oak the hair jell using viking. said Krab.

   After five minutes of talking about there feeling the travelers find there selves on Hairgelia."What are we looking for here?" said Goo."The helmet of Oak" said Krab."That should be easy" said Goo sarcastically.While they are walking for five hours they find the castle of Hairgelia."FINALLY!!!" said Goo."stop complaining"said Kenny."Well you do not feel tired because your a robot" said Goo."Be quiet" said Krab.All they see is a five story battle castle(a castle with five story's filled with bad guys and on top the boss)made with mossy cobblestone,cobblestone,and stone."No use in looking at it lets go"said Krab.They start to walk to the door and when they open it seventy Dungeon pets and jelly knights attack."Destroy them!!!" said goo.Goo suddenly turns into a dinosaur and Krab starts growing giant steel claws and starts cutting people.Then Kenny starts turning blue. "I'm a firing my laser!!!" said Kenny. He then shoots a big giant blue laser and destroys everyone."Wow how did you do that" said Goo."I just used the power inside of me" said Kenny.

   Then they went though the next 3 levels doing the same thing and then they finally made it to Oak to get the antlers."Oak we are here for the antlers!" said Krab."Hahaha you can not take my antlers!" said Oak. "Fine then feel the wrath of my laser"said Kenny. Then when Kenny tried to fire his lazer he could not because his Laser power was drained."This is BAD!!!" said Kenny.Then Oak slammed the ground  with his big war hammer and everyone flew into the air.Then Oak slammed them with his war hammer flat as a pancake,put them in a pan,and cooked them into pancakes."Muhahaha I will eat you now!!!" said Oak.He first took a bite into Krab and then his face turned green."Ha you forgot that I am poisonous!!!" said Krab.Then Oak fell back deader then a door nail.Then they took his antlers,got back into the 7-11 space ship,and flew off to the third key.

   "What is the third key Krab?" said Kenny."It is the magic egg" said Krab."We must go to birdia" said Krab.After a week of playing boring car games They made it to birdia."Finally"said Kenny.When they got off the ship they could see a vast land of stone,glass,and some wood.There was also many sling shots everywhere."There's the egg" said Goo."That was easy"said Krab.Right when they picked it up nothing happend then they flew away."That was easy" said Goo."it's time to go to Macintoshia.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8/31/11 big writing #4 draft 2

                                                      Most Amazing Place in The World

   There are a lot of amazing places but the most amazing is the amazon.It has amazing animals,cool plants,and nasty insects.let me tell you more.

   The first interesting thing about the Amazon is the amazing animals.There is leopards,snakes,and frogs oh my!!!There is a cool frog called the giant leaf frog.It lives in northern Bolivia.It is very helpful because it waxy coating could be used to cure AIDS, cancer,and other sickness. Reminds me of a lizard that cured this one disease.

   The second thing that makes the amazon interesting is the cool plants.There is many cool plants in the amazon but my favorite is the monkey cup picture plant.It eats baby monkeys and small birds!!!Birds also poop into it and it uses it as fertilizer.What a cool and disgusting plant.

   The third thing that makes the amazon interesting is the nasty insects.The insects in the amazon are nasty.There is a fly in the amazon that puts its eggs on a mosquito and when it bites you the eggs go into you.Then when they hatch they live inside your body and eats on you.That is very disgusting it reminds me of a tape worm.

   There are allot of interesting places but the most amazing is the amazon and now you know why.It is because of the amazing animals,cool plants,and nasty insects.

8/31/11 big writing #4

                                                         Most Amazing Place in The World

   There are allot of amazing places but the most amazing is the amazon.It has amazing animals,cool plants,and nasty insects.let me tell you more.

   The first interesting thing about the Amazon is the amazing animals.There is leopards,snakes,and Frogs oh my!!!There is a cool frog called the giant leaf frog.It lives in northern Bolivia.It is very helpful because it waxy coating could be used to cure AIDS, cancer,and other sickness. Reminds me of a lizard that cured this one disease.

   The second thing that makes the amazon interesting is the cool plants.There is many cool plants in the amazon but my favorite is the monkey cup picture plant.It eats baby monkeys and small birds!!!Birds also poop into it and it uses it as fertilizer.What a cool and disgusting plant.

   The third thing that makes the amazon interesting is the nasty insects.The insects in the amazon are nasty.There is a fly in the amazon that puts its eggs on a mosquito and when it bites you the eggs go into you.Then when they hatch they live inside your body and eats on you.That is very disgusting it reminds me of a tape worm.

   There are allot of interesting places but the most amazing is the amazon and now you know why. Because of the amazing animals,cool plants,and nasty insects.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

8/24/11 Big Writing#3 Draft Two

Where do they live?
Carnivorous plants live in swamps in Florida.

Will they bite you?
   No they will not.they might clamp down on your hand but it will not hurt unless you leave you finger in there for a week.

Do they live anywhere else but Florida?
   No but the there is one in Africa.

How do they catch their prey?
   They wait for a bug to land on their mouths and when it hits two trigger hairs it clamps down on it and it digests it.

How many types of carnivorous plants are there?
There are about five or six types.

Are they poisonous?
  No carnivorous plants are not poisonous.

What do they eat?
   They eat insects like flys and hornets but one will eat baby monkeys.

Why do they die in the winter?
  They are not dead they hibernate so do not throw them away.

8/24/11 big writing

Where do they live
   in swamps on Florida.

will they bite you
   no they will not.they might clamp down on your hand but it will not hurt unless you leave you finger in there for a week.

do they live anywhere else but Florida
   no but the there is one in Africa.

How do they catch there prey
   they wait for a bug to land on there moths and when it hits two trigger hairs it clamps down on it and it digests it.

how many types of carnivorous plants are there
   About five or six types.

Are they poisonous
  No they are not.

What do they eat
   They eat insects like flys and hornets but one will eat baby monkeys.

Why do they die in the winter
  They are not dead they hibernate so do not throw them away.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

8/18/11 big writing #2 draft 2

    Next week I am going to build a rocket. I built in KSP and I am going to build a replica and see if it works.The reason I am doing this is to build a rocket,have fun building it with my friends,and to watch it on a video camera.let me tell you more.

   The first thing about this project is that we get to build a rocket.It is always cool to build a rocket and shoot it into the sky and watch it fall.Then you get to build it and plus we get to put a jet engine in it.Which will be awesome to see.

   The second thing about the project is that I will build it with my friends which will be fun.While we build it we can talk about minecraft and stuff and have fun while we build.We will also be able to work better because we do allot together.We will be so happy.

   the third thing about making this project is to watch a video camera.What I a going to do is put a small video camera in the space ship and when it lands  we take it out and look at the recordings.We just need to find the rocket and take the recordings.I want to see the recordings soo bad.

   Next week I am going to build a rocket and now you know why.Its because you get to build a rocket,do it with friends, and see the video recordings.

8/18/11 big writing #2

Next week I am going to build a rocket.I built in KSP and I am going to build a replica and see if it works.The reason I am doing this is to build a rocket,have fun building it with my friends,and to watch it on a video camera.let me tell you more.

The first thing about this project is that we get to build a rocket.It is always cool to build a rocket and shoot it into the sky and watch it fall.Then you get to build it and plus we get to put a jet enguine in it.Which will be awesome to see.

The second thing about the project is that I will build it with my friends which will be fun.While we build it we can talk about minecraft and stuff and have fun while we build.We will also be able to work better because we do allot together.We will be soooooooooo happy.

The third thing about making this project is to watch a video camera.what I a going to do is put a small video camera in the space ship and when it lands  we take it out and look at the recordings.We just need to find the rocket and take the recordings.I want to see the recordings soo bad.

next week I am going to build a rocket and now you know why. because you get to build a rocket,do it with friends, and see the video recordings.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

8/10/2011 Big Writing #1

think of a animal that you think would be a great pet for TESLA.explain why the pet that you choose would be a great pet for our school.

If we could have a class pet it would be the Iguana.Because it is colorful, unusual,and can climb anything.Let me tell you more.

The First reason the iguana should be our school pet is because it is very colorful.It can change from black and white to orange and purple.It can also blend in with its surroundings and if humans could do that too it would take hours to play hide and seek.I love watching iguanas change colors in there cages.

The Second reason I think iguanas should be our school pet is because they are really unusual just like the school.They can look in two directions at one time and there body is very unusual.They can also shoot there tongue out so fast to get a bug it takes slowmo technology to see there tongue catch a bug.They spell unusual in every way.

The Third reson why a Iguana should be our class pet is because they can climb eneything.They can clime glass with these little hooks on there hands that grab on and don't let go.We know this because scientist look at there hands with microscopes and look at the little hooks on there hands.I would like to climb anything like a iguana.

If we could have a school pet I would choose the iguana and now you know why, because they are colorful,unusual,and can climb anything.