Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

my family

   Everyone has a family. You have a family, I have a family, and your friends have a family. but just like everyone else, my family is very special to me. I have my mom Cindy, my dad Donnie, my sister Hanna, and me, Trae. In our family we have some family traditions. one of then is when we go to this restaurant called mike's diner we put a bunch of horse radish on a cracker and then eat it. we also like to let the waiter eat cake with us on our birthdays. I love my family very much.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


today I completed:

  • 2 independent math
  • 2 language art lessons and 1 la extension

I feel like I handeld my time pretty well by not talking to anyone.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


today I completed:

  • 2 language arts and 1 la extension
  • 2 independent math lessons
  • worked with my math group
I think I handled my time really well today. I got everything I needed to get done today and I hardly talked to anyone and was really focused.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Today I completed:
  • completed 2 math with one being 100% and the other having no score
  • I got no math done today because I was planning to do it after lunch but I forgot we have health class
   I find that I managed my time pretty well. The only thing that stopped things up was me forgetting health class but I think I could have got language arts done if I didn't forget I have health class. Tomorrow, I plan to get just as much as a did today with language arts.

Friday, October 5, 2012


  1. This is what I worked on today: Today, I worked on remainders.
  2. This is what I need help on: I need help on nothing at the time.
  3. This is what I am doing really well: I am doing well on remainders.
  4. This is where I need to start tomorrow: I need to start on more remainders tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


  1. This is what I worked on today: Today, I worked on more scales.
  2. This is what I need help on: I need help on nothing at the time.
  3. This is what I am doing really well: I am doing well with scales.
  4. This is where I need to start tomorrow: I need to start on more scales tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


  • This is what I worked on today: Today, I worked on scales.
  • This is what I need help on: I need help on nothing at the time.
  • This is what I am doing really well: I am doing well on scales.
  • This is where I need to start tomorrow: I need to start on more scales.
  • Monday, October 1, 2012


    1. This is what I worked on today: Today, I worked on front end estimation.
    2. This is what I need help on: I need to make sure I understand my lesson fully.
    3. This is what I am doing really well: I am doing  well with front end estimation.
    4. This is where I need to start tomorrow: I need to start on whole numbers tomorrow.

    Wednesday, September 26, 2012


    1. This is what I worked on today: Today, I worked on biology and percents.
    2. This is what I need help on: I need help on nothing at the time.
    3. This is what I am doing really well: I am doing really well with biology.
    4. This is where I need to start tomorrow: I need to start more biology tomorrow along with some more percents.

    Tuesday, September 25, 2012


    1. This is what I worked on today: I worked on today more percents.
    2. This is what I need help on: I do not need help on anything at this time.
    3. This is what I am doing really well: I am doing really well with percents.
    4. This is where I need to start tomorrow: I need to start on percents tomorrow.

    Monday, September 24, 2012


    1. This is what I worked on today: Today I worked on a quiz for percents and I also worked on some biology.
    2. This is what I need help on: I do not need help on anything at this time.
    3. This is what I am doing really well: I am doing really well with percents and my biology lessons.
    4. This is where I need to start tomorrow: I need to start on more percents tomorrow and working on my biology.

    Tuesday, September 18, 2012


    1. This is what I worked on today: today I worked on whole numbers.
    2. This is what I need help on: nothing at the time.
    3. This is what I am doing really well: I am doing well in whole numbers.
    4. This is where I need to start tomorrow: I need to do tomorrow constant ratios.

    Monday, September 17, 2012


    1. This is what I worked on today: I worked on today Proportional Relationships.
    2. This is what I need help on: I need help on nothing at this time.
    3. This is what I am doing really well: I am doing well in Proportional Relationships.
    4. This is where I need to start tomorrow: I need to start tomorrow constant ratio's. 

    Friday, September 14, 2012


    1. This is what I worked on today: I worked on Roman numerals.
    2. This is what I need help on: Nothing at this time.
    3. This is what I am doing really well: I am doing well in Roman numerals.
    4. This is where I need to start tomorrow:I need to start whole numbers.

    Thursday, September 13, 2012


    1. This is what I worked on today: I worked on Roman Numerals,Quiz 1: Proportional Relationships, and Let Me Try: Proportional Relationships.
    2. This is what I need help on: I don't need help on anything at the time.
    3. This is what I am doing really well: I am doing well on Proportional Relationships.
    4. This is where I need to start tomorrow: I will start tomorrow on Roman Numerals.

    Wednesday, September 12, 2012

    daily reflection

    1. This is what I worked on today: today I did Quiz: Percent Equation (is/of = %/100) - MA6872 Show Me: Proportional Relationships - M7051.
    2. This is what I need help on: nothing at all really.
    3. This is what I am doing really well: tomorrow I will start Show Me: Proportional Relationships - M7051.
    4. This is where I need to start tomorrow: I need to start more proportional relationships tomorrow.

    Thursday, July 19, 2012

    a story

       It was a gloomy night when I entered the mansion. inside was a big room with stairs going up to the second floor. on the floor was a pinkish gunk mixed with red and a chandelier hardly working in the center of the room dangling from the ceiling. I went up the stairs to the second floor to find colossal claw marks on the red stripped wall. next to that was a big door. I tried to open it but it was locked. I knew I needed to get into this room but I needed a key. I turned around to get a slight glimpse of a man wearing a suit. he disappeared when I turned around but that doesn't matter I still need that key. I walk down the stairs and when I get to the end I stop like I was just frozen solid. A huge chill goes down my spine as I stand still. It wears off after a few minutes and I continue on into the first floor. I start the look around to find a worn out door. when I try the handel it works. finally a door that works. 

       Inside was a smallish kitchen with a stove and oven in the room. there was also many drawers and cabinets filled with skillets and pots. when rummaging through the drawers I find a small box, inside the box was a key! maybe this will work on the door upstairs. then suddenly I'm shoved back 3 feet and everything starts to shake. then I hear the voice of a man saying get out and then it all suddenly stops. I get back up to my feet and walk out and then up the stairs to try the key. when I try the key on the door it works! inside was a office. it had a hardwood dest and a nice leather chair. there was also a fire place at the other end of the room. when I start rummaging through the desk to find anything useful as I start to hear a sound. when I look around I see the fireplace after all these years is working, because its on and something was beside it. it was tall shadowy figure. when he got closer I saw a red tie.

       I was frozen with fear as he approached me. I could hear his breathing as he got closer and closer. Then I saw his face. he was old, looked about 80 with blue eyes and grey hair. Then he was 5 feet away from me. I was frozen, I couldn't run then he reached down and was about to touch my face when he disappeared into a cloud of smoke. I was terrified. it took me 5 minutes to finally get up. then I saw something in the middle of the floor. it was a pice of paper, it was a map.

       On the map was the mansion and all the floors, from the look of it there are 5 and I'm on the second floor. The way to get to the third floor is to get to the main stairway in the back of the kitchen. As I leave the room I hear a very hushed noise, it sounded like a man saying don't go. As I finally make it to the kitchen in there everything was the same, nothing was moved. then as I walk towards the stairway I hear a load boom, it make me jump and shudder at the same time. something is in here.

       I grabbed a knife out of the cabinet and was ready to fight. then suddenly a big black rat thing jumped straight at me, as I got a closer look a saw that it had big teeth and giant claws. As it passed me it cut me in the arm, I could see he was readying for another jump, So I got my knife ready. He jumped at me with great speed, when he got close enough I knifed him. Right as the knife enters his skin he exploded into black smog.

    Monday, June 11, 2012

    under the sea story wip

       It is a nice monday morning when I decide to go to the ocean to swim with some friends. I call Darien and Larry to come with me to the ocean and they say ok and to pick them up at 5:00. so then I decide to take a nap and set my alarm to ring at 4:30. At 4:30 I hear my alarm ringing while I was having a great dream. It annoyed me a bit but then I remembered how much fun I'm going to have with my friends and it stopped bothering me. I then go grab my keys,bathing suit, and goggles. after all the things I need are in my backpack I jump in my truck and drive off to my friends house. I remember there address like the back of my hand, Darien lives at 223, sickimore street, and Larry lives at 312, herping street. I finally get to Darien's house to find that they is no parking spaces. so I just wait out in the road for him and eat some trail mix. I was there for 3 minutes for him to finally come out and hop in the car. We then drive off to Larry's house. after a 10 minute drive we finally get to Larry's house to see him sitting outside. He hops in and we drive off to the docks.

       When we finally get to the dock my friends are amazed by the boat I got. It was a huge boat with a great paint job of a flaming tiger. Then we see the captain and he see's us. He comes down to greet us, we tell him our names and he tells us his. his name is Rick but he says to call him captain seawater. He then hands us some life jackets and tells us to get on the boat

    Monday, June 4, 2012

    around the world story wip

       It was a normal friday morning like any other day. I was eating outside when I met my friend darrin to eat some ice cream. We were talking it up about slinky's when a huge explosion happend back at our house. We ran as fast as we could to see what happened when we saw a pod. it had green streaks through it and a nice light blue interior. Then the door opened and out came a purple giraffe and a green baby monkey. The first thing I noticed about the giraffe is that it had 2 rockets around its neck and the green baby monkey has some sort of key. Then me and darrin gasped when the giraffe started to talk. He said that he had no time to explain and to jump on his back. So of course we jumped on his back with the baby monkey and Then the rockets on his neck turn on and we fly away.

       The giraffe said that the first place we were going is to paris. I always wanted to go to paris but not on a flying giraffe with a green baby monkey. when we finally got there he told me to grab the ray gun in his pants and shoot that tree. I turned around to find he was wearing jeans that we stylish. I pulled out the ray gun and shot the tree. The tree started to rumble and then it turned into a gas station. The giraffe stopped there to get some gas for his rocket neck. he said we are going to china next.

       Me and Darrin got a candy bar while the baby monkey was drinking from the nozzle on the slushy machine. After we finished our candy bars and got the baby monkey we got on the rocket giraffe and flew off to china. There we saw lots of things and ate at a real Chinese restaurant. there I got dumplings with soy sause.  


    Monday, May 14, 2012

    wolf big writing draft 1

    Some people say that wolves should be reintroduced into the wild but I say that there are ups and downs to this plan. I don't hate the idea of reintroducing wolves in fact I want them back but there is always minuses to things and I have 3 very good minuses I found and they are that they would not do well with other people, they will get poached, and they will eat garbage and other things and get hurt or die. let me tell you more.

       Wolves and people don't mix all the time. sometimes a human will mess with a wolf and the wolf will hurt the human or the human will hurt the wolf. Then there is the chance of the wolf getting rabies and going into public place's and hurting people. although the chance of a wolf hurting a human is low but the chance of a human hurting a wolf is fairly high. I think wolves are great but humans are a threat to them.

       Wolves fur is used in allot of clothing and if it is illegal to hunt wolves but the pay is high for wolf fur than people are going to poach. That will just kill allot of wolves and making them endangered again. That is a horribly bad thing and no one wants that to happen. I love wolves but I don't want to see them in pain.

       Wolves are very smart animals but there is lots of garbage and they might mistake garbage for food. there are thousands of animals that die a day because of them eating garbage and who's to say wolves will not eat garbage. Then many wolves will suffer because of this and the population will drop. I think wolves are amazing but I would hate to see them suffer.

       Some people say that wolves should be reintroduced into the wild but I say that there are ups and downs to this plan and now you know why. because thet would not do well with other people, they will get poached, and they will eat garbage and other things and get hurt or die.

    Friday, May 11, 2012

    wolf writing

       Wolfs are one of the strongest hunters I know. they look into a heard of animals, pick out the weakest one, and then get it out of the heard and attack its weak spot. Then they just keep on repeating that successful process until they die.

       The are allot different than other animals because when they mate they stay together forever until they die. the female wolves usually give birth once a year. they have 5 to 6 cubs at birth and they are blind and deaf for 7 weeks.

       What wolves eat is pretty much anything that has a pulse. they eat deer,bunnies,moose, and carabo. if you can think it they eat it.

    Monday, May 7, 2012

    5/8/12 draft 2

      Have you ever had a week free to do anything you wanted? I had one just last week and did 3 super cool things. I went to the beach, ate at my favorite ice cream place, and I got to eat at boar's head. Here let me tell you some more about what I did last week.

       I love to go to the beach and play in the water and the sand. I like to go out at night and see all the sand crabs and then catch them. Then I also like to see the sunset in the morning at the beach. I remember going to the beach and finding these streams around on the beach and playing in them. I love the beach.

       I love this one ice cream place by Tomas doughnuts because it is all home made and They have 15 different ways they prepare frozen banana and 4 different dips for ice cream! There ice cream taste amazing and when you get a chocolate dip with it it taste even better. Then there waffle cones are amazing on top of it all. I remember ordering a banana split and it was amazing with the rich caramel and the juicy strawberry. It is the best ice cream place.

       One of my favorite place's to eat is boar's head. It has amazing food and great service. My favorite food would have to be the baby back ribs with french fries and a coke. Then there is also the other dishes I like allot like s-cargo and the fried lobster and alligator. I remember when me,my dad,my sister,my dad's friend,and my dad's friend's kid went to boar's head and we all had a great time. I like this place allot.

       Have you ever had a week free to do anything you wanted? Well I have and now you know what I did on my week off. I went to the beach, ate at my favorite ice cream place, and I got to eat at boar's head.

    5/8/12 big writing draft 1

       have you ever had a week free to do anything you wanted? I had one just last week and did 3 super cool things. I went to the beach, ate at my favorite ice cream place, and I got to eat at boar's head. Here let me tell you some more about what I did last week.

       I love to go to the beach and play in the water and the sand. I like to go out at night and see all the sand crabs and then catch them. Then I also like to see the sunset in the morning at the beach. I remember going to the beach and finding these streams around on the beach and playing in them. I love the beach.

       I love this one ice cream place by Tomas doughnuts because it is all home made and They have 15 different ways they prepare frozen banana and 4 different dips for ice cream! There ice cream taste amazing and when you get a chocolate dip with it it taste even better. then there waffle cones are amazing on top of it all. I remember ordering a banana split and it was amazing with the rich caramel and the juicy strawberry. It is the best ice cream place.

       One of my favorite place's to eat is boar's head. It has amazing food and great service. My favorite food would have to be the baby back ribs with french fries and a coke. Then there is also the other dishes I like allot like s cargo and the fried lobster and alligator. I remember when me,my dad,my sister,my dad's friend,and my dad's friend's kid went to boar's head and we all had a great time. I like this place allot.

       Have you ever had a week free to do anything you wanted? Well I have and now you know what I did on my week off. I went to the beach, ate at my favorite ice cream place, and I got to eat at boar's head.

    Thursday, April 26, 2012

    big writing 4/27/2012 wip

       Have you ever seen the Washington national cathedral? well I have seen allot of pictures and it is beautiful! I think you will live it because it is beautiful,has allot of importance,and has allot of background. I bet you want to know allot more.

       I think the Washington national cathedral is very cool because of how beautiful it is. Just search it up and look at some pictures of it I mean its beautiful. The stained windows are pieces of art and the architect that made it is amazing. then if you look at the pew it is absolutely beautiful with all the stained glass and chairs. I remember seeing pictures of the Washington national cathedral and thinking it was beautiful it was. I think the Washington national cathedral is beautiful.

       If you look into the Washington national cathedral you will find out that there is allot of background to it.

    Monday, April 16, 2012

    Big writing THE IRON CLAW wip

                             THE IRON CLAW

                                                       Chapter 1 the first stand
       I woke up covered in dirt and blood. I find it a relief that I just woke up I mean heck I wouldn't care if I woke up covered in worms. I decided to step outside of the bunker to find out that everyone was wiped out. All over the floor dead people just laid there. I was in a panic to find out what happened when I found a journal on the floor. I started to read the final pages of the notebook to find out what just happened. Then I started reading this mans journal (go to note 1 and read the soldiers journal). Then I realize that the bomb rumor must be true for all these people to be dead. suddenly I start to see a man start to get up. I start  yelling to him to see if he is ok but then I realize that half his head is gone. The dead are living! the dead man starts to run at me and I start to run away. Then I trip over a stump and fall on a M14. I pick it up and I start to shoot at the dead man. It takes a whole clip to make him fall to the ground finally dead. 

       I start to search around looking for a few clip and I end up finding ten clips. I start to search around the bunker to find a backpack,some food

                                                             Note 1 the soldiers journal
                                                                                    Day 50
    Me and my troops have been stuck out here for too long. they said we were going home 2 weeks ago but I guess they lied. There is lots of talk about the Nazi's making some kind of bomb that can wipe out everyone in a second. I hope all this talk isn't true...

    Monday, April 9, 2012

    Washington big writing draft 2

       Have you ever wanted to go to Washington DC? I know I really want to go to dc because I get to see the white house, I could see the president, and because it's a beautiful place. I bet you want to learn more about why I want to go to dc.

       You know why everyone knows where Washington DC is and what it's purpose is, it's because of the white house! The white house is where the president and his family lives and where they make very important decisions and speeches. If you have ever seen a picture of the outside you would see that it is a very beautiful and big place. It has a rose garden and a huge field to play in. I remember doing a project on the white house and I learned so much about the white house that it made me want to go even more. I would love to see the white house.

       Have you ever wanted to see the president? Well I think it would be cool to see the president and going to DC would be the hot spot to see him because well he lives there. I mean who doesn't want to see the man who runs the country and makes everything go how it does. Plus not that many people get to see the president and it would be a honor. I remember the time my grandmas friend went to DC and she got to see our president get in a helicopter and fly away. It would be cool to see the president.

       Have you ever seen pictures of around the white house and DC you would know its a beautiful place. There's a rose garden and a big nice flat area with trees placed in the best places plus there is the beautiful white house right smack in the middle. Then there is the buildings around it that makes DC look beautiful. Like that huge tower around the white house looks great. I remember seeing pictures of DC and thinking that this place looks beautiful. I love how DC looks.

       I would love to go to DC and now you know why. because if the white house,I could meet the president, and because of how beautiful dc is.

    Washington big writing draft 1

       Have you ever wanted to go to Washington dc? I know I really want to go to dc because I get to see the white house, I could see the president, and because it's a beautiful place. I bet you want to learn more about why I want to go to dc.

       You know why everyone knows where Washington dc is and what it's purpose is, it's because of the white house! The white house is where the president and his family lives and where they make very important decisions and speeches. If you have ever seen a picture of the outside you would see that it is a very beautiful and big place. It has a rose garden and a huge field to play in. I remember doing a project on the white house and I learned so much about the white house that it made me want to go even more. I would love to see the white house.

       Have you ever wanted to see the president? Well I think it would be cool to see the president and going to dc would be the hot spot to see him because well he lives there. I mean who doesn't want to see the man who runs the country and makes everything go how it does. Plus not that many people get to see the president and it would be a honor. I remember the time my grandmas friend went to dc and she got to see our president get in a helicopter and fly away. It would be cool to see the president.

       Have you ever seen pictures of around the white house and dc you would know its a beautiful place. There's a rose garden and a big nice flat area with trees placed in the best places plus there is the beautiful white house right smack in the middle. Then there is the buildings around it that makes dc look beautiful. Like that huge tower around the white house looks great. I remember seeing pictures of dc and thinking that this place looks beautiful. I love how dc looks.

       I would love to go to dc and now you know why. because if the white house,I could meet the president, and Because of how beautiful dc is.

    Wednesday, April 4, 2012

    Why American government is so inportaint

    Have you ever wondered why there is American government that controls the country? Well there is many reasons but I will just tell you three. The world would go into destruction, there would be no one to handle our problems and money, and who would talk to other country's. Let me tell you more about these reasons.

    There is a huge reason for the government and that is to keep everything in order. So let's say there's a guy named bill and another guy named David. So bill is writing a paper that David hates. So david comes in and throws his computer on the floor and then stomps on it and leaves but before he leaves he tells bill that if he makes another writing that he does not like he will do the same thing he did to his computer to him. In that process he has just made his own government that makes him write papers David likes. But since we have a government with rules David could not do that to bill. I remember going to bay and a guy said that if I don't give him my football he will be mean to me and then I realized he was trying to make his own government and take over the play ground so all I had to say was that this is a free country and I don't have to give him my football. After that he left me alone. That is why we have a government to keep everything in order.

    There is need for the government to handle our problems and money. See if we had a under educated guy handling our money and problems then we would be in deep trouble but since we have a well educated guy that gets elected by the people voting then that's good. All country's need a guy to choose what we invest in and what to do when a big problem comes up. It's like in every school there is the principle that gets to choose what they do and if they put money into a field trip or not. I remember playing the sims and I had to be careful with my people and make sure to use my money right and to fix problems.There will always be a person to handle our money and problems.

    There is a need for a man or woman in every country to be able to talk to other country's and that is why the government has a president to talk to other country's. I mean if a average joe walked up to speak for America that would not be good but when the president of the united states walks up then we got some serious stuff. A president is like a chef of a tribe and the chef is the boss. I remember a minecraft server that had factions and I was the chef of mine and I had to make a agreement with the other faction's chef.Presidents are very helpful.

    Government is extremely helpful in many situations like I talked about. I hope you agree with me about why the government is so important.

    Tuesday, March 20, 2012

    Big writing axolotl draft 2

    Have you ever seen a axolotl. You know that weird fish looking thing that lives in one lake. Today I am going to tell you all about them like how they regrow limbs,they live in one lake,and they are a salamander that took a step back in evolution. I bet you can't wait to learn more.

    The first really cool axolotl fact is that they regrow limbs! I bet they sound like zombies but it's just normal for them.here let me give you the steps that axolotls use to regrow limbs.

    1. "Quantities of enzymes involved in metabolism decreased significantly during the regeneration process".

    2. "There were many proteins that helped cells avoid cell death. Because amputation is very traumatic, this is critical".

    3. "A protein which appears to keep cells from dividing until they are fully dedifferentiated and reprogrammed to begin forming a new limb was expressed at high levels throughout blastema formation".

    See now does that look hard. Well it is. I remember watching some lets plays on YouTube and finding a video called axolotl regrowing limb fast cam and it was so cool. I got to watch a axolotl grow it's limb back at super fast speed. I got to watch something that would of taken a month to do in 1 minute. I love axolotls allotl.

    The second really cool axolotl fact is that they live in one lake called lake Xochimilco. Cool huh but it's really bad in a way because if that lake becomes too polluted or if a fish that eats axolotl is in the lake then all the axolotl will die out and there will be no wild axolotl. But that is kind of happening now because people are populating the area around there lake and there dumping pollution and fish in the lake. I remember when I first learned about axolotls and I was so excited but then I found out that they were close to being gone and then I was sad. I love axolotls but I hate that they live in one lake.

    The third reason why I love axolotls is because they took a step back in evolution. See they were salamanders but there was more food in the lake so they took a step back in evolution. They were meant to be a tiger salamander like salamander but they found more food in the lake so they stayed there. I remember when Hanna did a presentation on axolotls and I learned allot. Axolotls are the coolest animals ever.

    Well all good writing have to come to a end and here is the finish line. I hope to tell you more later about other animals. Just as a refresher we learned about how they regrow limbs,live in one lake,and they took a step back in evolution. Here's me signing off bye!

    Sources: Wikipedia.com,sciencedaily.com

    Axolotl!!! I bet you want to learn allotl!!!

    Have you ever seen a axolotl. You know that weird fish looking thing that lives in one lake. Today I am going to tell you all about them like how they regrow limbs,they live in one lake,and they are a salamander that took a step back in evolution. I bet you can't wait to learn more.

    The first really cool axolotl fact is that they regrow limbs! I bet they sound like zombies but it's just normal for them.here let me give you the steps that axolotls use to regrow limbs.

    1. "Quantities of enzymes involved in metabolism decreased significantly during the regeneration process".

    2. "There were many proteins that helped cells avoid cell death. Because amputation is very traumatic, this is critical".

    3. "A protein which appears to keep cells from dividing until they are fully dedifferentiated and reprogrammed to begin forming a new limb was expressed at high levels throughout blastema formation".

    See now does that look hard. Well it is. I remember watching some lets plays on YouTube and finding a video called axolotl regrowing limb fast cam and it was so cool. I got to watch a axolotl grow it's limb back at super fast speed. I got to watch something that would of taken a month to do in 1 minute. I love axolotls allotl.

    The second really cool axolotl fact is that they live in one lake called lake Xochimilco. Cool huh but it's really bad in a way because if that lake becomes too polluted or if a fish that eats axolotl is in the lake then all the axolotl will die out and there will be no wild axolotl. But that is kind of happening now because people are populating the area around there lake and there dumping pollution and fish in the lake. I remember when I first learned about axolotls and I was so excited but then I found out that they were close to being gone and then I was sad. I love axolotls but I hate that they live in one lake.

    The third reason why I love axolotls is because they took a step back in evolution. See they were salamanders but there was more food in the lake so they took a step back in evolution. They were meant to be a tiger salamander like salamander but they found more food in the lake so they stayed there. I remember when Hanna did a presentation on axolotls and I learned allot. Axolotls are the coolest animals ever.

    Well all good writing have to come to a end and here is the finish line. I hope to tell you more later about other animals. Just as a refresher we learned about how they regrow limbs,live in one lake,and they took a step back in evolution. Here's me signing off bye!

    Tuesday, March 13, 2012

    The hunger games

    I thing in part 2 of the hunger games katniss will kill everyone but not peeta because peeta likes katniss and she might feel the same about him and she owes him for saving her family. Like in the book katniss's family was starving but peeta saved them by giving them bread.

    Tuesday, February 14, 2012

    hunger games chapter 1

      1. What do we know about Katniss' personality after reading about her in chapter one? : I think she is strong willed and is willing to do anything for her family.
      2. What do you think will happen to Katniss' little sister Primrose because she was chosen in the reaping day ceremony? : I think she will have to compete but there is always the chance someone will take her place or something you never know.

    Monday, February 6, 2012

    Big writing draft 2

    India is a very interesting place because of its culture,food,and religion. Let me tell you more. The first reason why I like India is because of the culture. The culture in India is pretty interesting. You can't give people in India a white flowers because they put white flowers on coffins when people die. Then when you enter a room you have to shake hands with the oldest person there first. I really think Indian couture is interesting. The second reason why I like India is because of the food. I think there food is different from any other food I had ever had in my whole life. The chicken when you eat it explodes in your mouth with all the spices then when you eat the nom bread it is so much better than regular bread with how it is cooked. When I went to an Indian restaurant it was so amazing I could not believe it. I love Indian food. The third reason why I like India is because of the religion. There are many religions in India. They are Islam,christianity,sikhism,zoroastrian,and judaism. They all are very interesting religions. I am christian out of all the religions. India has allot of religions. India is a very interesting place and now you know why. Because of the culture,food,and religions.

    Feb 6 2012 big writing

    India is a very interesting place because of its culture,food,and religion. Let me tell you more. The first reason why I like India is because of the culture. The culture in India is pretty interesting. You can't give people in India a white flowers because they put white flowers on coffins when people die. Then when you enter a room you have to shake hands with the oldest person there first. I really think Indian couture is interesting. The second reason why I like India is because of the food. I think there food is different from any other food I had ever had in my whole life. The chicken when you eat it explodes in your moth with all the spices then when you eat the nom bread it is so much better than regular bread with how it is cooked. When I went to an Indian restaurant it was so amazing I could not believe it. I love Indian food. The third reason why I like India is because of the religion. There are many religions in India. They are Islam,christianity,sikhism,zoroastrian,and judaism. They all are very interesting religions. I am christian out of all the religions. India has allot of religions. India is a very interesting place and now you know why. Because of the culture,food,and religions.

    Monday, January 23, 2012

    1/23/12 big writing

     India is a very interesting place that I would love to visit for its culture,food,and the sight seeing. Let me tell you more about India.

    The first thing I like about India is the Culture. Like for holidays since India has multiple religions they celebrate multiple holidays. so the four national holidays of India are independence day, Republic day , Gandhi jayanti, and 1 may. India also has protection over cows so they can not be eaten which means they can't eat beef. I remember when I was in a mall with my mom when I was 6 and I saw a woman with a red dot on her head which symbolizes for people in India that they are married. India is pretty interesting.

       The second thing I like about India is its food. There food look's like it would taste bad but when you eat it it taste's like awesome sauce. Like The spicy fish and the tandoori chicken. Then they have really good soups like the kadni. I remember eating at this one Indian restaurant and it was really good. India has great foods.

       The third thing I like about India is the sight seeing. there are The boat race in Kerala and the Bengal tiger.Then there is the cool statues like the lotus temple. Then they actually worship rats at the rat temple. It is really cool.

       India is a very interesting place and now you know why. because of the culture,food,and the sight seeing.

    links: http://factoidz.com/incredible-india-10-sights-to-see/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_India http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_cuisine

    Monday, January 9, 2012

    1/9/12 big writing draft 2

         There are many bridge's that are more than ordinary but some are extraordinary like the Banpo bridge in south Korea,Rolling bridge in united kingdom,and the Oliveira bridge in Brazil. Let's learn more about these bridges.

       The first bridge is the Banpo bridge. It has 10,000 nozzles spraying out water beside the bridge on both sides. It also pumps out 190 tons of water each day but it is not wasting water because it goes strait into the lake. Every night every day it turns the water into different colors with lights and the bridge lights up too. This bridge is amazing.

       The second bridge is the Rolling bridge. What the rolling bridge does is exactly what the name says, it rolls up. It rolls up so boats can pass and people can get to the other side. during the day it has a sensor so it knows when to roll up when a boat is coming and when a person hits the button it rolls out so people can pass. It is truly a cool bridge.

       The third bridge is the Oliveira bridge. It is the first ever suspension bridge that crosses into a x shape. This bridge is build over a bridge which is pretty cool and it is a bridgeception. Everyday for everyone passing that bridge under the Oliveira bridge must think looking up is very cool. This is my favorite bridge.

       There are many bridge's that are more than ordinary but some are extraordinary and now you know some of the extraordinary bridges. The Banpo bridge in south Korea,Rolling bridge in united kingdom,and the Oliveira bridge in Brazil.

    1/9/12 (FIRST 2012 POST :D) big writing

       There are many bridge's that are more than ordinary but some are extraordinary like the Banpo bridge in south Korea,Rolling bridge in united kingdom,and the oliveira bridge in Brazil. Let's learn more about these bridges.

       The first bridge is the Banpo bridge. It has 10,000 nozzles spraying out water beside the bridge on both sides. It also pumps out 190 tons of water each day but it is not wasting water because it goes strait into the lake. Every night every day it turns the water into different colors with lights and the bridge lights up too. This bridge is amazing.

       The second bridge is the Rolling bridge. What the rolling bridge does is exactly what the name says, it rolls up. It rolls up so boats can pass and people can get to the other side. during the day it has a sensor so it knows when to roll up when a boat is coming and when a person hits the button it rolls out so people can pass. It is truly a cool bridge.

       The third bridge is the oliveira bridge. It is the first ever suspension bridge that crosses into a x shape. this bridge is build over a bridge which is pretty cool and it is a bridgeception. everyday for everyone passing that bridge under the oliveira bridge must think looking up is very cool. This is my favorite bridge.

       There are many bridge's that are more than ordinary but some are extraordinary and now you know some of the extraordinary bridges. The Banpo bridge in south Korea,Rolling bridge in united kingdom,and the oliveira bridge in Brazil.